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Re: Missing files on AIX server

Thanks for your post :)

Missing files on AIX server

I'm the system administrator for the AIX server Wes is using. We can't give you a test account but I have found a workaround and the information might be useful to others. First the external connection is through a firewall running Linux using ssh1. The AIX host is the final destination. My first thought was that all the files that Wes cannot see have a full-iso timestamp with a negative fractional part. This may be a bug in gnu ls on AIX where the 32 bit number wraps and shows up as a negative number for some reason. However, since I can see all the files from my Windows 2K SP4 box using the same firewall and AIX server, I don't think that is the real issue. You don't show an hour minute timestamp on those files but that is fine with me. When transferred to my home Linux box with Kermit, those files show that the negative timestamp fraction has been zeroed out, which might be an option for you to consider.

The fix seems to be in the account settings for the host under Environment-> SCP/Shell. Wes was using the default shell which seems to change his environment to that of the firewall. I had him change the shell command to do a second ssh -l <username> <> and now he can see all the files on the AIX server. We also turn off caching of remote directories in case the timestamp problem is causing additional issue.

Your program is the finest piece of Windows software I've seen in a long time. I wish there were an SSH server for Windows that worked half as well.

Re: Blank file names on right hand side

martin wrote:

Can I have a test account on your server?


Sorry it has taken so long to reply.

I still have the blank name problem when I connect to my server. I finally turned on logging to debug2 and got the following.

. 2007-09-18 19:02:20.140 Read 85 bytes (3547 pending)
< 2007-09-18 19:02:20.140 -rwxrwxrwx 1 adm adm 542 2004-04-03 11:31:27.000000000 -0700 CLEAR.HID.FIDS
. 2007-09-18 19:02:20.140 Read 79 bytes (3468 pending)
< 2007-09-18 19:02:20.140 -rwxrwxrwx 1 adm adm 396 2006-10-11 16:59:48.-1680157704 -[color=red0600CM.LIST[/color]

I'm not sure why the CM.LIST program doesn't have a space but it is one of the programs/files that doesn't have a name. Do you have any idea why that would occur? Thanks.

Re: Blank file names on right hand side

Can I have a test account on your server?

Re: Blank file names on right hand side

martin wrote:

Is there anything common to the files what does not display a name?

The permission on all of the files in the directory is 777 and ownership and group is also identical for the files that have an actual name and the files that are blank. The blank files are a mix of older files and more recent ones. Since I can't see their file names, I'll have to go back through and identify them by their byte count.

I'm running Windows XP professional on a Dell desktop.

Re: Blank file names on right hand side

Is there anything common to the files what does not display a name?
Wes Isenhart

Blank file names on right hand side

I'm using Version 4.0.2 (Build 344) connecting to a Unix AIX server via SFTP SSH Protocol 1.

When I connect I see most of the files in the directory but some of the files have a blank file name which prevent me from transferring them. I am trying to find out why these files don't display a proper file name.