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Topic review


What kind of error? How do you check for exit code?

hm i tried to generate an error, exit code still 0


Fine but then i have a "true" or a "false". problem is, i need to report detail information -> what files failed and why they failed.

Re: /log in script automation - Question!

You should check for exit code of the script instead of parsing a log file. Please read FAQ.

/log in script automation - Question!


I wrote a small application which help me to back up my folders with sftp. the synchronize script work fine and the data get saves successful.

i want to implement some kind of error notification if something fail while synchronize (for example permissions or whatever). so i use the parameter "/script=c:\errorlog.txt".

my problem is, this script get pretty huge. (1 mb per 10 mb syncronized files) and even if no error accured the log is huge. its ok, i understand why - but is there any option that only errors come in the log? it would make it much easyer to test the success after the batch run.