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Re: FTP Timeouts

How can I get a log file from WinSCP?

Please read documentation.

Re: FTP Timeouts

I'm using Filezilla 2.2.32, but I'm actually having problems connecting to the FTP host using WinSCP. I've managed to get in a handful of times, but it's kind of 50/50.

How can I get a log file from WinSCP?

martin wrote:

What version of Filezilla are you using? Can you post a log file?

Also, with SFTP, I can open a remote file in Notepad++ and when I save it, it automatically gets uploaded. Does this feature work for FTP connections as well?

Yes. Make sure you have 4.0.2.

Re: FTP Timeouts

What version of Filezilla are you using? Can you post a log file?

Also, with SFTP, I can open a remote file in Notepad++ and when I save it, it automatically gets uploaded. Does this feature work for FTP connections as well?

Yes. Make sure you have 4.0.2.
Mister Goomba

FTP Timeouts

So, I would love to use just WinSCP for my FTP needs as well as SFTP. No other program even comes close to WinSCP and I'm ecstatic that FTP is now supported.

However, when I try to log in to my FTP server, I get a timeout while trying to retrieve the directory listing. When opening up the same location in Filezilla, there's no problem.

Does anyone else experience this?

Also, with SFTP, I can open a remote file in Notepad++ and when I save it, it automatically gets uploaded. Does this feature work for FTP connections as well?

Thanks in advance,

- Mr. Goomba