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Topic review


Patrick Hayes wrote:

Feature request: Allow WinSCP to do server to server transfers. WinSCP would login to one server via ssh and open an scp connection to the other server. I have a slow connection but am working on machines that are super fast

Please read FAQ.
Patrick Hayes

Feature request: Allow WinSCP to do server to server transfers. WinSCP would login to one server via ssh and open an scp connection to the other server. I have a slow connection but am working on machines that are super fast

Re: Server to Server copy

Just open the second instance of WinSCP. But keep in mind that files will be copied via the local machine, not directly between the servers.

same question

nobody out there who has a workaround for that issue ?

Server to Server copy

I want to copy between 2 linux servers. Can someone tell me how you do this as I can see no way of having 2 remote windows open so you can drag between the 2.
