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Zzo wrote:

Any idea why I cannot do a LS on a read-only root SFTP folder?

Can I have a test account on your server?

Any idea why I cannot do a LS on a read-only root SFTP folder?


I've just tried 4.0.2, same error.
The user must have read-only access to the root SFTP folder and read-write access to some subfolders.

After the error, if I do a CD to got to a read-write subfolder, it's working, I can do a LS for example.

Do you know why I can't do a LS in the read-only root SFTP folder and get this error ?


SFTP Problem when user has a read-only on the root SFTP


I'm using WinSCP 3.8.2 to connect to a WinSSHd 4.02 server (using SFTP) on Windows.
I set the root SFTP dir to a read-only folder on another server UNC path and get the following error.

Error listing directory '/'.

No such file or directory.
Error code: 2
Error message from server: None
Request code: 11
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)kip: Skip
Invalid access to memory

When setting NTFS permissions to read/write instead of read-only on the root SFTP folder it's working.
