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Topic review



For list of reasons WinSCP cannot parse directory listing and possible resolutions, see documentation.

Re: Error using SCP listing

This has been resolved already. The fix will be included into the next release.

Re: Error using SCP listing


Re: Error using SCP listing

AFAIK, with ACL, the plus sign normally immediately follows the permissions (without space). WinSCP can handle that. But not this. I'll see what I can do about it.

Does anyone else having the problem?

Error using SCP listing


When using the SCP protocol in WinSCP, I get this error:

Error listing directory '/Users/joekewoud'

Unexpected directory listing line 'drwxr-xr-x + 80 joekewou staff 2720 Jun 25 18:44 homepage'.
'+' is not a valid integer value

The problem is that I use ACL on my Mac OS X 10.4.10 server.
Every file permission using acl is marked with an "+" sign, when using the "ls" command. I think this is not inherent to OS X, but to ACL enabled unix machines in general. Using ACL's is rapidly gaining popularity.

The problem is that instead of an normal directory listing, WinSCP stops at the entry, displays the error, and does not list the other files. What I would WinSCP to do is to continue the listing, not reporting this error. It is only there when using the "SCP" protocol.

I like WinSCP very much, because it has just the right mix between features and clarity. To my knowledge it is also the only one that handles the SCP protocol in a user friendly way. (There are more using SFTP, but that does not handle my needs.)

I like it very much as a program, and I am very happy I am allowed to use it.
