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Topic review


Changing AES to blowfish does not change anything to the transfert rate.

I'm interested by improving the transfert rate, could you explain me more how to proceed please?

Please read documentation.

Anonymous wrote:

When changing aes to blowfish i went from 400Kbps to 8000Kbps ;) :) hope that helps

Sorry for mynovice question, but what are aes and blowfish ?

I'm interested by improving the transfert rate, could you explain me more how to proceed please?

When changing aes to blowfish i went from 400Kbps to 8000Kbps ;) :) hope that helps

How to imporve transferrate?


First I want to compliment the developer(s) for WinSCP, GREAT JOB!!!!

I tried this configuration:

[WinSCP on a Athlon 4200+ X2 2GB RAM]
[Firewall / ADSL modem Download 12MB/s Upload 1024KB/s]
[Firewall / ADSL modem Download 20MB/s Upload 1024KB/s]
[FreeNAS on a Celeron 2400 1GB RAM]

When uploading from my workstation to the remote FreeNAS my transferrate is only 60KB/s.
Wat can I do to improve this upload speed???

My protocol info:
Session protocol = SSH-2
SSH implementation = OpenSSH_4.6p1-hpn12v16 FreeBSD-openssh-portable-overwrite-base-4.6.p1,1
Encryption algorithm = aes
Compression = No
File transfer protocol = SFTP-3
