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Topic review


cedric wrote:

I need to use winSCP in command-line mode and I woul llike to change"Comparison cirteria" of "Synchronize".

It's on TODO list :-)

If I have well understood your problem, i have the same.

I wish you had an aswer to your question !

I need to use winSCP in command-line mode and I woul llike to change"Comparison cirteria" of "Synchronize".

How can I make it in command-line mode ?

Please helpme :roll:


'Check file size' in Command-line


WinSCP is a great tool with many possibilities. But sometimes i am not able to see the best way to use it.

I work only in command-line-mode, because many tasks have to work without human interaction. Everything works fine now, but i have a last problem/task.

My old ftp-program has the possibilty to check the file size of the transferred files. There is a specific checkbox 'check file size' to activate this mode. I want to use something like this with WinSCP, but i don't know which way is the best.

I only want to get some files (no folders) from a remote directory and i want to check the file size or something like that to be sure that the files are exactly the same. I can use /synchronize in command-mode, but is this the best way to get want i want?

Thanks a lot for your help