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What a luck !

My transfert rate is 200 Ko/s ! :lol:

Re: Still speed rate problems ??

Cedric wrote:

Globaly, my question is :
Has this problem been partially solved for the last 3 years ?

Definitelly WinSCP is faster than 3 years ago.

Could you just reply to this question:

Does a solution exist to this problem or is just THE winSCP drawback?

Still speed rate problems ??

We can find many post on this forum about speed rate problem but some of them a quite old.

I use the 4.02 WinSCP version:
Is there now a solution to this problem ?
Do you know where the problem comes from ?
Would it be solved with the next version ?

Globaly, my question is :
Has this problem been partially solved for the last 3 years ?
