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Topic review


Re: Keep UpToDate detects file change, but doesn't synchronize

martin wrote:

Timezone offset is not implemented for FTP yet.

This has been implemented already. It will be included into the next major release.

Re: Keep UpToDate detects file change, but doesn't synchronize

Timezone offset is not implemented for FTP yet.

Keep UpToDate detects file change, but doesn't synchronize

I am using basic FTP. Just like the previous user, Keep Up To Date 'detects' a change, but doesn't upload it.

I then manually run SYNC and get (no differences found). There is definitely a difference in the two files, so I manually have to upload (not fun).

The server time is ahead of my local time, but your docs don't make it very clear on how to manually set an offset (local time is 8:25 a.m., server time is 10:25 a.m.)

I have tried this functionality on two different machines/servers.

An older version of WinSCP did this fine (using SFTP protocol). Maybe I will have to downgrade.



Re: Keepuptodate

If you perform synchronization again after change, would the file be uploaded?


My script is as follows:

option confirm off

synchronize local c:/rails /var/rails
option synchdelete
keepuptodate c:\rails /var/rails

The synchonrization works. However when I change a file in c:\rails all that keepuptodate reports is it detected a change. It says it twice for each change I make, but never actually transfers the file.