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Re: Inverse problem!

I'm not getting the "overwrite" confirmation at all, even when I have ticked it in the Preferences. Tried dragging+dropping a file from my desktop to the remote server window (which was successful) and then repeated the process, expecting a "Do you wish to overwite" dialog.

What protocol are you using? Where exactly do you drop file? Are you dragging single file only?

Inverse problem!


I'm not getting the "overwrite" confirmation at all, even when I have ticked it in the Preferences. Tried dragging+dropping a file from my desktop to the remote server window (which was successful) and then repeated the process, expecting a "Do you wish to overwite" dialog.

Version 4.0.3 build 345

Re: version

So if you start WinSCP and go to preferences, you see Overwrite confirmations turned off?


I'm using the latest, 4.0.2.

Re: file transfer overwrite confirmation major annoyance

What version are you using?

file transfer overwrite confirmation major annoyance

Hi there,

Despite changing the preferences to NOT use confirmations every time a file gets overwritten and ALSO choosing to ignore future confirmations, I still get the confirmation when overriding files. Majorly annoying. I have the latest version. What am I missing? Is there somewhere else this is called? I'm sure I must be doing something wrong or this would be reported tons of times!
