Fixed it - deleted the entry in the list, and replaced it with an identical one, works fine now. Probably should have tried that earlier.
Thanks for your help.
If I choose edit, it opens it in the built-in text editor - even though I deleted this from the list of external editors, in an attempt to force it to use what I wanted. Just one entry, for soffice.
(And the filename extension obviously matches)
And the same thing happens if I put the internal editor underneath as well, with *.*
I assume priority is from the top of the list?
You should use "Edit" command instead of "Open". You may also make "Edit" the default action for double-click.
Everytime I try to open a remote .ods (openoffice spreadsheet) I get the message about this app should be setup as an external editor etc. etc..
Except I have already done it, with these settings:
(Its the top of the list.)
Mask: .ods
file to execute: "C:\Program Files\ 2.2\program\soffice.exe" -o "!.!"
Ticked: Ext Editor Opens mult files in one process.
Unticked: force text transfer mode.
What Am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.