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Re: Is there any way to pass username to Putty

martin wrote:

And even the if you use "open in putty", you are prompted for password? It can happen if you have in putty session list a session with a same name as current winscp session. WinSCP then uses that session instead its own settings.

After changing Putty config, in Putty, like so:
Connection --> Data --> Login details --> When username is not specified: "User system username"
it worked!

you can also hard-type-in your username under:
Connection --> Data --> Login details --> Auto-login username

Re: Is there any way to pass username to Putty

And even the if you use "open in putty", you are prompted for password? It can happen if you have in putty session list a session with a same name as current winscp session. WinSCP then uses that session instead its own settings.

Re: Is there any way to pass username to Putty

I entered username in username box and Password in password box and saved it as a session. I am using SFTP. :)

Re: Is there any way to pass username to Putty

WinSCP should pass username automatically as long as it is entered in the session. How do you enter the username in WinSCP?

Is there any way to pass username to Putty

Hi, I was able to pass password to Putty but not username.
Is there anyway to pass username and password both at the sametime?