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Re: integrate complete putty...

1oo4Yjq/GliR3kWm3B2k6g== wrote:

this is "sorta" implimented with the command line option, though take that up a notch ALLOWING commands that want feedback, so i dont have to switch between putty and winscp for creating a .tar.gz of my site, and then downloading it for a backup in winscp

It is not possible to allow commend with user feedback in WinSCP session. The protocol does not allows this.

Re: integrate complete putty...

Asterix wrote:


I like to use one app for all ... ssh & scp.
could you integrate a greater command line tool such like putty it self.

thanks for the nice app. it is the best scp-client Ive ever seen.

Asterix :D

this is "sorta" implimented with the command line option, though take that up a notch ALLOWING commands that want feedback, so i dont have to switch between putty and winscp for creating a .tar.gz of my site, and then downloading it for a backup in winscp

this would be sweet

integrate complete putty...


I like to use one app for all ... ssh & scp.
could you integrate a greater command line tool such like putty it self.

thanks for the nice app. it is the best scp-client Ive ever seen.

Asterix :D