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Topic review


If you're using WinSCP to manipulate files on an iPhone, you need to make sure you have rm in your /bin folder. Right click on the rm file, select Preferences, then change the octal number from 0644 to 0777. Then click ok.

If you don't have rm, see this site, <invalid hyperlink removed by admin>
and look for Step 17 for a link to a collection of Unix bin files that you can install on the iPhone (including rm).

Re: cant delete anything....

Anonymous wrote:

ok i try but i cant do it i get this error..

Command 'rm -f -r ""'
failed with return code 126 and error message
-sh: line 96: /bin/rm: Permission denied.
can anyone help me..????

I find the lack of activity about this question... disturbing.

I'm having the EXACT same problem. I'm logged in as root, yet I can't delete any apps. If anybody knows the answer to this, it would be greatly appreciated if someone posted the answer. Remeber, this stuff was new to YOU once, remember? :)

cant delete anything....

ok i try but i cant do it i get this error..

Command 'rm -f -r ""'
failed with return code 126 and error message
-sh: line 96: /bin/rm: Permission denied.
can anyone help me..????