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Re: Removing Entries from the Transfer Mode Pull Down

You can remove them only by manually editing the registry settings.

Removing Entries from the Transfer Mode Pull Down

I am using WinSCP 3.8.2.

By default, there are several files (*.*html; *.htm; *.txt, etc.) listed in the pull down under Preferences : Transfer : Transfer Mode. These files automatically get moved as text. I have had to added several additional file types, such as *.sql, *.ksh, ... to the list. When I do that, a new entry is created in the pull down menu. I now have 7 entries in that pull down menu. I will also be adding many other files types over time. So I would be creating many new entries in the pull down. I would like to remove older entries in that pull down. Is there a way to remove entries from that pull down so they don't pile up any further?

Thanks in advance.