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Re: Simultaneously Upload Supported?

jadiagaurang wrote:

martin wrote:

Sure you can write a C# code too.
I may add a C# example later.

Can I set simultaneous Upload (1~10) in Filezilla and use following command to utilize the filezilla client?

open -filezilla "My Site"

This is not a support forum for FileZilla.
Anyway, FileZilla does not support any kind of automation.

Re: Simultaneously Upload Supported?

martin wrote:

Sure you can write a C# code too.
I may add a C# example later.

Can I set simultaneous Upload (1~10) in Filezilla and use following command to utilize the filezilla client?

open -filezilla "My Site"

Re: Simultaneously Upload Supported?

Sure you can write a C# code too.
I may add a C# example later.

Re: Simultaneously Upload Supported?

martin wrote:

jadiagaurang wrote:

I am using WinSCP 5.9.3 (Build 7136) for automating FTP Transfer. Do we support simultaneously transfer in mentioned version?

No. But you can implement it on your own:

I am trying to upload files with 3 to 5 files in a batch. Do I need to use Power Shell Scripts or I can write EXE in C# as well? Can you kindly provide Upload Example?

Simultaneously Upload Supported?

I am using WinSCP 5.9.3 (Build 7136) for automating FTP Transfer. Do we support simultaneously transfer in mentioned version?

TonyR wrote:

Would like to get Max Transfer working where up to 9 simultaneous uploads are occurring.

Background/simultaneous transfers are not supported in scripting.

I need HELP with the Max Transfer functionality in WinSCP.

Running (command line only) script to upload a directory containing numerous subdirectories and files.

Expecting to see up to 9 simultaneous uploads occurring while monitoring the FTP server on a separate connection but only see 1 file Transfer at a time.

Would like to get Max Transfer working where up to 9 simultaneous uploads are occurring.

script looks like this

option batch on
option confirm off
option binary
open ftp://user:pwd@host:21
cd backup
mkdir backup_20080108_061022
cd backup_20080108_061022
option transfer binary
put C:\backup_20080108_061022\*.*

Re: Max Transfers

Let's say I'm uploading a directory with 20 image files and 15 HTML files. After adding the directory to the queue, I'd expect that 9 of the contained files would be transferred simultaneously. Can I actually see 9 files being uploaded in the queue? Do I have to drag and drop each new file or directory in order to start a new batch transfer so that more than one file will be uploaded at the same time?

That's the only way. Anyway most SSH server does not allow you that many simultanous connection. And remember that opening session over SSH is costly (comparing to FTP).

Re: Max Transfers

Let's say I'm uploading a directory with 20 image files and 15 HTML files. After adding the directory to the queue, I'd expect that 9 of the contained files would be transferred simultaneously. Can I actually see 9 files being uploaded in the queue? Do I have to drag and drop each new file or directory in order to start a new batch transfer so that more than one file will be uploaded at the same time?

Re: Max Transfers

You probably do not understand how the queue works. There's always single transfer for a one batch transfer. If you want to transfer several files simultaneously, you must schedule that number of transfers.

Max Transfers

I set the background number of transfers to 9. In the queue I only see one transfer uploading. I'm wondering if this is working. Does the queue just show one file transfer even if 9 are being uploaded simultaneously?