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Re: 4.0.3 and scripting issue

For me it works fine. Can you post a log file?

4.0.3 and scripting issue

This script worked fine in 3.82 on another box, but on this box, running 4.0.3 I get a host not found problem every time I try to run it:

option batch on
option confirm off
option transfer binary
put c:\test.txt

running with the command line:
winscp.exe /script=c:\script.txt

When watching it it appears to be trying to connect to /script as the host instead of what is in the script. If I change it to do something like:
winscp.exe /script=c:\script.txt

it will connect fine to the host, but it will not run the script.

Something change in the 4.x code that I missed, or am I just going crazy here?