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Topic review


Re: *Sniff*

martin wrote:

I'm just working on new release. It may be out within a week or two.

This is very nice to hear! Thanks for all the work you do - it is really appreciated. Now that Far is OpenSource it is also more "compatible" to WinSCP. Take you time and take care!
With best regards, Morten.

Re: *Sniff*

MortenMacFly wrote:

*sniff* I was hoping there would be another one. There are in fact quite some Far users out there awaiting another release... ;-)

I'm just working on new release. It may be out within a week or two.


*sniff* I was hoping there would be another one. There are in fact quite some Far users out there awaiting another release... ;-)

Re: FAR Plugin on WinSCP 4.0.3 basis - new Putty Code?

Not yet :-(

FAR Plugin on WinSCP 4.0.3 basis - new Putty Code?

Hello Martin!

Any release planed based on WinSCP 4.0.3 basis and new Putty Code?
