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Re: How to redirect a directory listing to a file?

You need to use executable instead of winscp3.exe. See documentation.

How to redirect a directory listing to a file?

Is there any way to perform a 'ls' on a remote site and have the output redirect to a file? I am connecting via command line for example:

"C:\Program Files\WinSCP3\WinSCP3.exe" FTPhost "/defaults /command dir"

I have tried redirecting by appending "> C:\test" as well as passing the entire command to "cmd /c" but I never get output.

The previous "How to redirect terminal output of to file" topic doesn't seem to work for me.

WinSCP is 3.8.2, connecting via SFTP(v3)

Running Windows XP Professional SP2.

As an aside I am able to both send and receive files using the above site and get/put syntax so I know that works.

There has to be a way to get at the directory contents.

