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Topic review


McC wrote:

The more i look at it the more i have the impression that i only nee the three values for German as they are generated in the iss code here:

You can "hardcode" these, if you have 2 languages only.

And back to the cm object, i get compiler errors saying the custom messages are not defined. Where is the definition of those messages?

These are defined in the ISL. But again, there are only messages for setup GUI, so if you do not need them, just modify the ISS file

McC wrote:

Do i need the .isl files at all if i only want to have some translations selectable in the installed application itself? Or are they just for the installer gui?

Just for the setup GUI. So you do not need me to generate them?

The more i look at it the more i have the impression that i only nee the three values for german as they are generated in the iss code here:

    #define Lang Copy(FileName, Pos(".", FileName)+1)

    #define LangName ReadIni(MessagesPath(Lang), "LangOptions", "LanguageName")
    #define LangID ReadIni(MessagesPath(Lang), "LangOptions", "LanguageID")

As i understand it, english is installed anyway without adding any translation, right?

And back to the cm object, i get compiler errors saying the custom messages are not defined. Where is the definition of those messages?

Do i need the .isl files at all if i only want to have some translations selectable in the installed application itself? Or are they just for the installer gui?

4.0.3 is good

i should say i only need the translations of the application itself, not the setup. Since the setup has to be done with SMS in a silent background installation nobody will see the setup interface anyway

For what version? I would be glad if for 4.0.3, because I may have problems generating the files for older versions.

only english and german

What languages do you need?

That would be great. I just found the language folder in the CVS directory, but i can't find .isl files there.
I can't see your mail address here, mine is mccancey(at), would be great if you could send me the .isl files.

Re: Custom Installer with multilanguage support

The files can be generated from data in "translations" module of CSV. I can send the generated files to you, if you send me an email.

Another thing: The winscpsetup.iss file contained in the latest source code uses an object like {cm:something}. Where does that come from, do i have to do anything with this one, too?

Custom Installer with multilanguage support


i have to create a custom installation with multi language support. I've tried the example Inno Setup Source code found in the Installation documentation first, and it compiled without problem, but without other languages than english either.
Then i've tried the Inno Source code from the current WinSCP source code. There i get a reference to files like "translations\WinSCP.en.isl", which is not found. I didn't find files liek that in the source code either, so i wonder where they come from and if they are needed to create a multi language installer? Or is it possible just to let the setup include the WinSCP.en, .de, .etc ... files and set a default selection for the configuration?
Thanks in advance for any help,