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I'm really not aware of any such problem with SFTP/SCP.

It's set to SFTP with SCP fallback.

Re: Fast uploading with WinSCP disconnects me from the internet

Luckz wrote:

Does WinSCP use any particularly weird method of packet transmission, by chance? It's really a puzzling issue.

I do not think so. What protocol are you using? SFTP/SCP/FTP?

Fast uploading with WinSCP disconnects me from the internet

Whenever I upload anything via WinSCP without severly limiting the speed my internet connection gets disconnected (the program really is not good at displaying a correct current speed, it can take minutes for the displayed speed to start having any relation to reality). This does not happen when I, say, upload something via a browser or using FTP or anything of the sorts.

All my router says on the topic is:
[INFO] Sun Aug 26 20:05:54 2007 WAN interface is down
[INFO] Sun Aug 26 20:05:54 2007 Stopping WAN Services
[INFO] Sun Aug 26 20:05:54 2007 PPPoE session 0x5CC2 terminated by access concentrator

Does WinSCP use any particularly weird method of packet transmission, by chance? It's really a puzzling issue.