I am also having the same error.
Did you all figure out what wa happening. I am getting ths error and cannot connect. I am very frustrated. Can someone please help?
I also have the same problem. Disabling firewall doesn't help:(
I also tried it with deactivated firewall and also on a computer without installed firewall.
There may be a firewall preventing the connection.
no, i tried it also with bitvise tunnelier. connection also failed because host did not answer in time.
I have the same problem. Can anybody help?
Hey there,
I have been trying to enter a server for about 2 1/2 hours now... I have been in forums, checking the winscp site for advice etc. but i cannot enter it.
I have had no trouble in the past logging on to the server but today I got this message "Network error: connection timed out"
My net connection is fine, it may be my firewall (where in control panel does one disable it). Maybe somebody has some other suggestions?
Thank you.