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Petr Nowak wrote:

What does it mean "Overwrite confirmations are always off for the synchronize command" ? Does it mean it is impossible to overwrite old file with new version when synchronizing ??? (details of my problem and more notes above...).

No it means thatyou are not asked to confirm the overwrite.
Please read this page carefuly.
Petr Nowak

What does it mean "Overwrite confirmations are always off for the synchronize command" ? Does it mean it is impossible to overwrite old file with new version when synchronizing ??? (details of my problem and more notes above...).
Petr Nowak

After several days of work I'm not able to setup script to synchronize changed files from remote to local (local includes older version of synchronized files). If I delete files on local, synchronization works. Otherways it is not able to synchronize and overwrite older files on local. Whats wrong ? Please help.
Petr Nowak

OOPS !!! Sorry... :(

It seems it's a problem of "option confirm off/on".
Petr Nowak

Does /synchronize work with changed files ?

I write small bat and use it to start script:

"C:\Program Files\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe" /script=script.ftp

option batch on

option confirm off
echo on
open pnowak@WEBtest
option transfer binary
synchronize local d:\BackupsWEBtest\ \Zalohy\

Script works fine but only first time. Script is not able to synchronize changed files. Does synchronize support changed files synchronizing ?

I have looked unsuccesfully for answer in documentation and forum too.

Thanks in advance for any help ...