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bug synchronization on selected files Vista - now works

thank you very much, bug is solved in 4.0.4 (some keyboard workaround is mentioned in release notices)

Re: bug synchronization on selected files Vista

No, when I select some files in one panel (it doesn't matter what), EDIT, COPY, MOVE are disabled and when I try upload files via popup menu function, get messagebox with "external exception EEFFACE"

Re: bug synchronization on selected files Vista

Do other operations with selected files work? Like uploading selected files?

bug synchronization on selected files Vista

ver: 3.8.2 4.0.2beta
OS: vista 32bit RTM

When I select some dirs and files and then check in sychronization dialog
this options:
preview changes, selected files only and exlude mask as ".svn"
after OK click

I get the message like "no difference found" and no action is performed.

It is same for remote/local direction.

When I make synchronization without selection (unchecked selected files only)
all works fine.

This bug is presented on Vista only, on XP it works fine.