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Topic review

du Crayon

Re: WINSCP 4.04 and ESX Server 3.02 connect SSH or other

martin wrote:

If you mean public/private key pair, you can you can use the same one as you are using with PuTTY.

Thx for Response,

we avoid the Problem in that way, that we allow the root Login remote. The private key from Putty does not function in that Environment

Thx for Assistance


Re: WINSCP 4.04 and ESX Server 3.02 connect SSH or other

If you mean public/private key pair, you can you can use the same one as you are using with PuTTY.
du Crayon

WINSCP 4.04 and ESX Server 3.02 connect SSH or other


I have the Problem, that i have not enough Rights to files i must edit, maybe in etc a cfg file.

With putty i can connect with ssh an all is OK. Can i also make this with WinSCP . How can i generate a Certificate for ssh like in Putty??

