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Whenever i login it always says that the connectin timed out

Whenever i login it says that the connection timed out. ive already tried making an exception for it on the firewall but watever i try doesnt seem to work. the port is 22 im using STFP w/scp fall back. HELP

Thank you so much. However, That is the university server and i try using winscp to connect to it at home. All of my friend can connect to that server by using winscp except me. :( .So i think there's a problem with my laptop.

Re: event i cannot login

Please first check the log of the server to see why it disconnects you. Or ask the server administrator.

event i cannot login

Hi, is anyone can help me coz i event cannot connect to the server.
I download winscp version 404 and 356 and follow all the default steps for installing but when i put host name, user and password and i also use SFTP(allow SCP fallback) but after a while it informs that:"Connection has been unxpected closed.Server sent command exit status 0" :oops: Please help me!!!