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Topic review


WinSCP is primarily SFTP client. I undertand your concern. But I not going to make FTP the default. And FTP fallback is... you know ;-)

Also, there was no warning message indicating that the server does not support SFTP (this would have made things a lot clearer) - maybe an FTP fallback would be another option.

Suggestion: default selection FTP/SFTP

Hi Guys

I just downloaded and tested WinSCP 4.0.4 for the first time.

When I tried to connect it kept giving an error:

Network error: Connection timed out.
OK Reconnect

WS_FTP connected just fine.

Some searching made me realize that WinSCP was set by default to SFTP, while my sever only seems to support FTP.

Maybe the default could be set to FTP instead of SFTP to help beginning users (this may lead to more users keeping the program instead of just dismissing it as "something that doesn't work")
