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Topic review


This has been resolved already. The fix will be included into the next release.

Thanks. I will try again.

I'm using FTP, unfortunately the NAS backup i'm using to transfer to doesn't support sftp. Microsoft Exchange is one of the programs that has files open, the archive.pst files. It happens on a couple users folders, with several different types of files. It not moving the open files isn't really the problem, I just wish it would continue on to keep backing up after it fails.


Re: Scripting and open files

Which protocol are you having the problem with? SFTP/SCP/FTP? what application do you have a file opened in? I cannot reproduce it :-(

Re: Scripting and open files

Thanks for your report. I'll check it.

Scripting and open files

If this has been answered, I'm sorry I couldn't find it.

I have a script, that is supposed to sync the user folder on our server to a 500gb NAS drive.
It works as planned, with one major problem. Even with batch set to continue, if a file is open at the time of the script being ran, it will error out and quit.


option batch continue
synchronize remote "E:\Users" /datbackup

Operating Systems
Source: Windows 2003 Server
Destination: *nix

Is it possible to make it skip open files, or continue on error? Or better yet, copy them anyways!
