Re: Another way that could be treated...
Thanks for your feedback!
Before posting, please read how to report bug or request support effectively.
Bug reports without an attached log file are usually useless.
Has the number of dialogs been reduced when a conflicting state happens?
I would also suggest that the [HELP] button directly links to the relevant paragraph and not just to the page.
It is not easy to do:
Image you are in c:\documents and /home/prikrylm.
You enter directory "images" in either of them.
Now you are in c:\documents\images /home/prikrylm/images
You leave the directory (enter "..").
Now you are in c:\documents /home/prikrylm
Now you enter local directory "html" which does not exist remotely.
Now you are in c:\documents\html /home/prikrylm
1) You leave the directory (enter "..")
Now you are in c:\documents /home and out of sync.
2) You enter directory "blah" which is in both directories.
Now you are in c:\documents\html\blah /home/prikryl/blah and out of sync.