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Re: Opening two UNIX Sessions within WINSCP

Janice Baker wrote:

1) How can I log onto two UNIX boxes (have one UNIX server connected in the left
panel and another UNIX server connected in the right panel) to make the comparison?

WinSCP does not support that.

2) How can I export that comparison to a file?

Where do you perform a comparison? Locally or remotely?
Janice Baker

Opening two UNIX Sessions within WINSCP

I'm trying to use the WINSCP software to compare files and folders, and export
the results of the comparisons to a file. I'm having problems open two remote
UNIX server

1) How can I log onto two UNIX boxes (have one UNIX server connected in the left
panel and another UNIX server connected in the right panel) to make the comparison?

2) How can I export that comparison to a file?

Please advice