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Re: Difficulty viewing "forms" from within Borland Builder

When i view CustomScpExplorer form, this dialog occur:

Class TTBXDock not found. Ignore the error and continue?

I don't know how to resolve this, though i already installed tbx_cb6.bpk!

Neither I do.

Re: Difficulty viewing "forms" from within Borland Builder

When i view CustomScpExplorer form, this dialog occur:

Class TTBXDock not found. Ignore the error and continue?

I don't know how to resolve this, though i already installed tbx_cb6.bpk!

Re: Difficulty viewing "forms" from within Borland Builder

There are not design time packages (as the error message says), hence you do not need to (and you cannot) install them.

Re: Difficulty viewing "forms" from within Borland Builder

martin wrote:

win_user001 wrote:

1. How to 'install design packages in "packages" directory'
to view forms ?

In project view, right click the design package project and select "install".
2. The winscp.exe compiled file is big, about 5.0 MB whereas your exe only about 1.4MB.

Mine is also 5 MB. The standalone EXE being released in compressed using run time compression.

I followed your guide, and some form can be viewed, but not all!?

After build sucessfully with command : make
There are some packages in lib directory:


Component -> Install packages: and I select all these packages

Some of them installed OK, but there are some errors :

ThemeManagerC6.bpl can't be installed because it is not a designe time pakage
DiscMon_B5.bpl can't be installed because it is not a designe time pakage

You can see detail of errors, including pictures in this link:
(sory because i can't post picture here!)


Re: Difficulty viewing "forms" from within Borland Builder

win_user001 wrote:

1. How to 'install design packages in "packages" directory'
to view forms ?

In project view, right click the design package project and select "install".
2. The winscp.exe compiled file is big, about 5.0 MB whereas your exe only about 1.4MB.

Mine is also 5 MB. The standalone EXE being released in compressed using run time compression.

Re: Difficulty viewing "forms" from within Borland Builder

martin wrote:

You need to install design packages in "packages" directory.

I compiled the source with Borland C++ Buider 6 Enterprise

I have two problems:

1. How to 'install design packages in "packages" directory'
to view forms ?
2. The winscp.exe compiled file is big, about 5.0 MB whereas your exe only about 1.4MB.

Help me please!

Re: Difficulty viewing "forms" from within Borland Builder

martin wrote:

You need to install design packages in "packages" directory.

Sorry, but how to do this :oops:

Re: Difficulty viewing "forms" from within Borland Builder

markusr wrote:

What libraries are needed to compile?

Check the project files.

Re: Difficulty viewing "forms" from within Borland Builder

What libraries are needed to compile?

Re: Difficulty viewing "forms" from within Borland Builder

Thanks for the response. I'll try to check it out.

Re: Difficulty viewing "forms" from within Borland Builder

The actions does not have OnExecute handlers. Instead OnExecute handler of action list is used.

Re: Difficulty viewing "forms" from within Borland Builder

That does work, but now I am having difficulty viewing any of the code.

For example, I can open up the ScpCommanderForm, click on the BottomDock, and look at one of the Items in this list (TBXItem171 for example). The Object inspector lists the action for this item as :


I can then open up the NonVisualDataModule form and look within NonVisualDataModule->ExplorerActions, Toolbar Operation, CurrentRenameAction.

When double clicking on this the code editor opens up NonVisual.cpp and gives me this function definition:

void __fastcall TNonVisualDataModule::CurrentRenameActionExecute(
TObject *Sender)


Everything else I try to view results in an empty function definition. What am I doing wrong now?

Re: Difficulty viewing "forms" from within Borland Builder

martin wrote:

You need to install design packages in "packages" directory.

That worked. Thank you.

Re: Difficulty viewing "forms" from within Borland Builder

You need to install design packages in "packages" directory.

Difficulty viewing "forms" from within Borland Builder


I am having trouble viewing the program's forms from within Borland C++ Builder 6. I can build and run the program from within Builder, but when I go to forms to get a visual idea of how things are put together I get a class error similar to:

Class TTBXDock not found. Igore the error and continue?
Note: Ignoring the error may cause components to be deleted or property values to be lost.

I don't quite understand what I am missing because I am able to properly compile and run WinSCP.

Any help is appreciated.