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Re: Cannot login over command line and get file - Log ?

pstein wrote:

I ALREADY called winscp from cmd.exe!

So are there any other tricks to let me see the errors?

But have you called Not winscp.exe!

Re: Cannot login over command line and get file - Log ?

martin wrote:

Run from console (cmd.exe) to avoid the output disappear.

I ALREADY called winscp from cmd.exe!

So are there any other tricks to let me see the errors?

Re: Cannot login over command line and get file - Log ?

Run from console (cmd.exe) to avoid the output disappear.

Cannot login over command line and get file - Log ?

I want to do the following from the commandline:
login on a remote computer go to directory /aaa/bbb
and get a file ccc.log to the local directory D:\mydata\

I entered (ignore possible line wraps):

winscp /aaa/bbb /command "get ccc.log D:\mydata"

After I hit the RETURN button some text seems to be displayed for a couple of milliceconds until the command terminates and return to the command prompt.
- WITHOUT having finished the task

Why ?

Unfortunately I found no debug/error message like
"Password wrong"
"remote directory not found"

How do I find out why winscp does not start the file transfer? Is there a verbose debug / log output ?

What is the default port? 22 ?

When I perform the same task through GUI everything works fine.
