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Topic review


You should probably share only the options that you want (and know what they are doing), removing the rest.

Maybe the option PasswordPlain, instead of Password could be the hint.

Am I right?

Copying the ini-file from one client to another is a good way, thanks for that information.

Is there any possibility to edit the WinSCP ini-file?

I have to migrate 58 WS_FTP Session to WinSCP, now I'm looking for an automatic import

[Sessions\xyz bla] are easy to write within an editor

But what's up with following entries? [Configuration\CDCache] and [SshHostKeys]

With kind regards

Re: Share stored sessions with other clients

seitenblick wrote:

Is it possible to share this server-list with other clients (about 20 computers in a network)?

If you save the settings into an INI file, you can share it on the network.

Re: Share stored sessions with other clients

Sorry for my bad english. I'll try to explain my question again.

In WinSCP you can save sessions-profiles (host, username, password...), so you can connect to a ftp-server with one click.

Is it possible to share this server-list with other clients (about 20 computers in a network)?

With WinSCP this isn't a problem, but we prefer WinSCP.

I hope you understsand my question. :) Thanks for your help!

Re: Share stored sessions with other clients

WS_FTP is able to download stored sessions from FTP?
Also I may not understand the question. Do you want WinSCP to be able to load stored session from FTP, so it can be shard among more users. Or do you want it to understand the WS_FTP session ini file?

Share stored sessions with other clients


is it possible to share stored sessions with other computers in the network?

Currently we use WS_FTP in our company and all ftp-sites are stored in one .ini-file on the server, so every computer in the network has access to all sites. Is this possible with WinSCP, too?

Thanks for your help.