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Re: Server stops responding mid download

Sorry, I'm using SFTP as a file protocol.


Geoff B.

Re: Server stops responding mid download

Sorry for not being precise. I've meant file transfer protocol. SFTP/SCP/FTP...

Re: Server stops responding mid download


I'm using SSH v2.


Geoff B.

Re: Server stops responding mid download

What protocol are you using?

Server stops responding mid download


I've been using WinSCP successfully to connect to the same remote server for about a year now. Very recently I am now finding that when I try to copy a file from the remote location to my local machine, the file will generally download between 80-95% of the first file in the set of requested files, and then the connection will stop responding. I get an error saying the remote server hasn't responded for 15 seconds, and I have to abort the operation.

Strangely, I am able to upload to the same server with no problems at all. I am running Windows Vista Ultimate, and have installed the latest version of WinSCP (4.0.5).

Does anyone have any idea why this might have suddenly started happening. I've been told there have been no significant changes to the set up on the remote server.

Geoff B.