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Topic review


guest wrote:

if you are using get and rm what happens if a file is created in the folder after the get and before the rm?

What do you think? :-)
BTW, the next version will support "get /delete".

if you are using get and rm what happens if a file is created in the folder after the get and before the rm?


I had this problem for other job...

You can make a script that list the directory, and put this list into the command file of winSCP.
Then, launch WinSCP with this command file.


Best regards,

tong wrote:

martin wrote:

So you want to download all the files from remote server and delete them afterwards?
Just use get and rm then.

hmmm... but the file names at the remote dir are randomly generated, can get and rm support *.* ?

thanks prikryl, I check already, winscp do support wildcat mask, thanks alot.

martin wrote:

So you want to download all the files from remote server and delete them afterwards?
Just use get and rm then.

hmmm... but the file names at the remote dir are randomly generated, can get and rm support *.* ?

So you want to download all the files from remote server and delete them afterwards?
Just use get and rm then.

can we use syndelete option to delete files on remote dir

hi ,

i have try to synchronize a local and remote dir, it works perfectly.

but i will like to perform a delete on the remote dir after this syn, so as to safe space on the remote dir. can we do it using scripting?

i try to use syndelete but it does not work, not sure if i do it correctly, please advice, thanks