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Topic review


Re: Unable to connect after timeout

This issue has been resolved already. The fix will be included into the next release.

Re: Unable to connect after timeout

Thanks. I'll check that.

Unable to connect after timeout


Maybe this is a bug:

Currently I am using WinSCP 4.05 (Build 354) on Windows XP, German version.

- Open winscp
- Enter a server name, leave password blank, click on login
- After 15 seconds, an additional information window displays a message that the server did not respond up to now
- After a few more seconds, the server responds and the password window is displayed BUT I am not able to enter a password now. All winscp windows are locked.
- I can only use the task manager to kill the winscp process (no other possibility to close the winscp windows).

If I enter the password from the beginning, it works. After 15 seconds the info message is displayed, a few seconds later I am correctly logged in.
