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Hi there, two versions previous i think, i generally check for updates every month or so. Please don't look into this unless anybody else asks about it, i'm starting to think its this antivirus. Trend appears to disagree with Java apps (i use zend and mysql query browser). Trend crashed yesterday and today and i've not had the problem since.

thanks for your help.


Re: Windows Rendering Error

Well I've never heard about this before. What version of WinSCP were you using before?

Windows Rendering Error

Hi, I'm getting a funny error and I'm not sure if it is scp405 or the new version of trend we just installed but basically sometimes windows decides not to show the header bar for any window including scp and often I close scp and the problem goes away after a min or two. Like I said this has only happened since I installed 405. Have you heard of this one before or am I barking up the wrong tree?
