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Topic review


Re: Unable to make password window active on timeout whil ed

Thank you very much! (for fixing the problem and making your program freely available)
I look forward to the next release. :D

Re: Unable to make password window active on timeout whil editin

This issue has been resolved already. The fix will be included into the next release.

Re: Unable to make password window active on timeout whil editin

Thanks. I'll check that.

Unable to make password window active on timeout whil editin

version: 4.0.5 (354)
interface: Norton commander
transfer protocol: FTP

How to reproduce:
-Make a FTP-connection with a server that requires a password
-open a document with the internal editor, leave this window active
-wait for the connection to time out
-choose reconnect (or OK, then login again)
-the password window that pops up is only visible in the area of the screen where the editor was; the program stops responding