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Topic review


On transfer progress window, left of time elapsed. You have to have Calculate total size option enabled (what is default).

Where can I find this info message "Time estimated", i. e. where it is displayed?

Thomas Wiedmann

Re: Displaying time duration of copying files

ThomasW wrote:

Sometimes there a large files to be copied using WinSCP. So it takes time until the copy process is finished and I don't like to observe the copy dialog permanently. Therefore it would be interesting to know the total time of copying large files after a copy process (to assume the time duration for other copy processes with large files)

"Time estimated" shows you what you need, doesn't it?

Re: Displaying time duration of copying files

martin wrote:

What would you use the information for?

Sometimes there a large files to be copied using WinSCP. So it takes time until the copy process is finished and I don't like to observe the copy dialog permanently. Therefore it would be interesting to know the total time of copying large files after a copy process (to assume the time duration for other copy processes with large files)

Thomas Wiedmann

Re: Displaying time duration of copying files

What would you use the information for?

Displaying time duration of copying files


is there a way in WinSCP (I use version 3.6.8) to display the total time duration taken for copying files; if yes, how?

Of course "time elapsed" is displayed during the copy process. But afterwards, i. e. after finishing the copy process, the copy dialog suddenly disappears and the information about the total time needed for copying the files is lost.

Thanks for all good hints.

Thomas Wiedmann