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ThomasW wrote:

How can this scripting interface of WinSCP be used by commandline?

Please see documentation and linked examples.

I too am wondering what the command is. I'm SSHing from a Windows machine to my OSX box, and would like to know what command to successfully SCP a file is. Typical SCP requires both of the computers to be UNIX based.

How can this scripting interface of WinSCP be used by commandline?

Thomas Wiedmann

Windows does not ship with an scp (or sFTP) binary built-in. If you try to run scp, you probably get a command not found error. If something does run when you type scp, you'd have to consult with whoever wrote that program to figure out why it's not working.

WinSCP does have a scripting interface so that you can use it from the command-line.

Re: Command of scp copying process

martin wrote:

ThomasW wrote:

Which is the command or mechanism of WinSCP for copying files from a Linux to a Windows system; is WinSCP using internally the scp command of OpenSSH or some other?

It does, if you select SCP protocol.

How can this be done, i. e. what has to be done or which software/tool has to be installed or configured to carry out or to call the scp protocol? Could you give an example?

Some time ago I tried this using the scp command in the Windows command shell to carry out an scp process by script - but unfortunately it didn't work (meaning: no files had been copied from the remote Linux system to my local PC installed with Windows XP).

Thomas Wiedmann

Re: Command of scp copying process

ThomasW wrote:

Which is the command or mechanism of WinSCP for copying files from a Linux to a Windows system; is WinSCP using internally the scp command of OpenSSH or some other?

It does, if you select SCP protocol.

Command of scp copying process


I tried to use the scp command - without using WinSCP - to copy files from a remote PC working with suse Linux to my local PC working with Windows XP. It never succeeded.

Which is the command or mechanism of WinSCP for copying files from a Linux to a Windows system; is WinSCP using internally the scp command of OpenSSH or some other?

Thanks for all good hints.

Thomas Wiedmann