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Re: Timestamp problem

I have tried this already. From my point of view WinSCP is behaving correctly. The timestamp reported by freeFtpd are not IMHO in UTC. The fact that they does not modify timestamp returned by WinAPI maybe actually a cause. AFAIK WinAPI cannot report timestamp in UTC.

Re: Timestamp problem

zurbum wrote:

Anything new regarding timestamp problem?

Not yet.

Re: Timestamp problem

martin wrote:

zurbum wrote:

Is it possible that you check the problem when using freeFtpd?

OK, will do.

Anything new regarding timestamp problem?

Re: Timestamp problem

zurbum wrote:

Is it possible that you check the problem when using freeFtpd?

OK, will do.

Re: Timestamp problem

martin wrote:

Have you seen any difference when changing the option?

Yes I did. If "adjust remote timestamp to local" or "adjust remote timestamp with dst" is selected and copied file has summer datetime (24. may), then WinScp in remote window shows it with hour+1. When I check it localy with total commander, its hour is shifted +2.

If the same file is copied under "preserve remote timestamp", WinScp shows it with hour shifted +1 and also localy total commander shows it with hour shifted +1.

I contacted freeFtpd authors and they said that they don't modify time in anyway, they use the windows API.

I also notified problem with hour when copying files from windows to linux with WinScp.

Is it possible that you check the problem when using freeFtpd? Files timestamp is important for me because different versions.


Re: Timestamp problem

zurbum wrote:

I have tried all options
-adjust remote timestamp to local
-adjust remote timestamp with dst
-preserve remote timestamp

Have you seen any difference when changing the option?

Timestamp problem

I am using freeFtpd as a server on Win XP SP2. I am testing everything locally.

The problem is the following:
I copy a file with winscp, timestamp in remote window is shown correctly, but when I check it locally with explorer or total commander, timestamp is shifted in advance for 1 hour. I have tried all options
-adjust remote timestamp to local
-adjust remote timestamp with dst
-preserve remote timestamp

Another interesting thing, if I copy file in windows using total commander WinScp shows me the file in remote window with timestamp shifted back for 1 hour.

I am using WinScp 4.0.5. What am I doing wrong?

Here you can see the same file's timestamp in totalcomander and winscp.
<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>

If I copy the file winscp.exe with WinScp from local to remote winscpcopy.exe, the file will have timestamp 22:52:42 on the remote view, but in local view(or in total commander) its time will be 23:52:42. This is 2 hours in advance than the original timestamp

Is this a bug?

Thank you.
