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Re: Accessing random IP addresses at connect time

tupan_haravel wrote:

Why is WinSCP attempting to access some random IP addresses every time I try to log in to a host? Is it some setting related to updates checking?
If I don't allow the connection to that IP, the login fails.
There is no obvious connection between the IPs, it's sometimes Google, sometimes, RIPE registered domains, they are all over the place.

WinSCP does not do that. Why do you think so?

Accessing random IP addresses at connect time

Why is WinSCP attempting to access some random IP addresses every time I try to log in to a host? Is it some setting related to updates checking?
If I don't allow the connection to that IP, the login fails.
There is no obvious connection between the IPs, it's sometimes Google, sometimes, RIPE registered domains, they are all over the place.