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Topic review


WinSCP is not a web browser, so one would not expect it to display web pages. It can probably upload and download files from the server, but it sounds like that part is working.

The server you've indicated is non-responsive right now, so you'll have to talk to your support group to reboot/restart/fix it.

In general, URLs cannot contain spaces unencoded. Any special characters like spaces or quotes must be encoded using their hex value. Most web browsers will do this conversion for you automatically (i.e. if you type in " page" the browser will convert it to "" for you). If you are trying to create links in your web documents though, you'll need the links to use the encoded form of the URL.

web page science project

Hi! I installed my videos and documents for a web page with winSCP. I can not type in the URL to open my page. I typed Experiments.htm. When I am in winSCP I can not open the videos or web page.