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Re: Pre-Entered Password Problems

Please post a log file both for interactive and script session.

Re: Pre-Entered Password Problems

martin wrote:

Are there any special characters in your password? If there are, please read FAQ.

Yes and it still does not work. Here is what i did:

open hservice:d%23fd2hfg7fs@xxx.xx.xx.xx

where xxx.xx.xx.xx is the IP address.

Any thoughts?

Re: Pre-Entered Password Problems

Are there any special characters in your password? If there are, please read FAQ.

Pre-Entered Password Problems

When trying to use /script= or /command, I am unable to open my session. I get an authentication failure message. If I manually open the session and manually type in the password, the connection is made just fine. I don't understand why is works in the interactive mode but not in the pre-entered password mode. Any help would be appreciated.