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Topic review


samiham wrote:

Tried it. Only slightly better. It still doesn't behave like Windows Explorer.

What have you tried? And what's the difference?

Tried it. Only slightly better. It still doesn't behave like Windows Explorer.

Re: Norton Commander interface oddities

Please read documentation.

Norton Commander interface oddities

The Norton Commander interface is very odd when it comes to selecting files and directories. It doesn't match the Windows way of selecting and deselecting items and isn't compliant with standard Windows UI design. When I click a file or folder, I expect to see a blue selection box around the item PLUS the dotted selection rectangle ("rubber band"). When I click and drag a rubber band around multiple items, all the items in that rectangle should be selected but only one item is selected. When I DO manage to select multiple items and then click a single item, it doesn't deselect the other items. I have to go to "Mark->Unselect Files...", which opens a dialog box. There is no "deselect all" option. The keys to select and deselect items are non-intuitive.

Additionally, selecting a number of items, clicking on an unselected item, and then clicking a single selected item causes the "rename" feature to take action.