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Re: Downloading files with ending *1 or *2

wpcanman wrote:

Thanks very much... Actually I would be downloading the file from a Linux server onto a Windows client. Any suggestions? Thanks again.

Suggestion for what? You simply cannot create file with asterisk on Windows, that's all...

Re: Downloading files with ending *1 or *2

martin wrote:

Windows does not allow asterisks in filenames. Try it yourself :-)

Thanks very much... Actually I would be downloading the file from a Linux server onto a Windows client. Any suggestions? Thanks again.

Re: Downloading files with ending *1 or *2

Windows does not allow asterisks in filenames. Try it yourself :-)

Downloading files with ending *1 or *2

I am trying to copy files from an ftp site, the files end in *1 or *2 or *3... when I try to download these types of files WinSCP won't allow me. I have to adjust the setting in tranfer preferences, filename modification to Replace '\:*?'... it downloads the file with a %A1 or %A2 ending... I would rather copy the file exactly as I see it..
for examle 12345*1 or 12345*2...etc..

Can anyone offer any suggestions on how I can make this work?
