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Re: Can't use reconnect without prompt?

leenewm wrote:

I am using: v4.0.5 (Build 454)

Sorry... build 354 not 454

Re: Can't use reconnect without prompt?

I am using: v4.0.5 (Build 454)

I didn't try the upload in the foreground. I will try it.

Over the various attempts, I got two types of error messages. One was something to do with a 'network' error, the other 'software'. I know these are vague responses to your questions - I will try to re-run the upload to get more specifics.

Re: Can't use reconnect without prompt?

What version of WinSCP are you using? Do you have the same problem when uploading on foreground? What is the error message then connection is interrupted?

Can't use reconnect without prompt?

I've been trying to upload to a server (using SFTP-3) and when an error occurs, WinSCP won't reconnect automatically, but instead sits there waiting for me to click "Reconnect" from a popup window. If I am not around to click it, by the time I come back, I have to start the transfer again. I have the following configuration:

1) Background transfer is enabled by default
2) "No confirmations for background transfers" is enabled
3) "Automatically reconnect session if it breaks during transfer" is enabled, set for 2 seconds.
4) "Enable transfer resume" is enabled for files above 100kb (the file I am trying to upload is above 100kb)

Why won't auto reconnect work?
