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Topic review


Ok, I understand.


Sparc wrote:

Should't (directory) caching work dynamicly?
Only show/use cache if nothing has changed?

Should. But it can work, only if you do the change in WinSCP, so WinSCP knows that something has changed. It cannot know that something has changed if you do the change externally.

Where can I configure (disable) the cache?

Please read documentation.

Correct. That's the point.

Should't (directory) caching work dynamicly?
Only show/use cache if nothing has changed?

Where can I configure (disable) the cache?


Ok, so you a link, which is in directory you have already visited with WinSCP in current session, hence it is cached. You change destination of the link externally (not in WinSCP). And than you attempt to "enter" the link and WinSCP opens the previous destination, not current one. Right?

Well, this is how it should work. If you do not like it, disable directory cache.

Ok, difficult to explain (and to understand).

name1 is a link to the physical directory /dir1/dir2/dir3 (or after the change to /dir1/dir2/dir4

link1 would have been better...


Re: Caching of server listing with symbolic links

Sorry, I'm not usre if I understand. What is name1? File, subdirectory name, symlink?

Caching of server listing with symbolic links

Hi, just found in build 4.06 358:

remote listing shows old (cached) content if only the destination of a link change

name1 -> /dir1/dir2/dir3
listing correct

do some work with WinSCP
change on remote server (by someone):
name1 -> /dir1/dir2/dir4

change to base dir of name1, try to go to name1
Listing shows content of /dir1/dir2/dir3
-> not correct up to manual refresh of basedir of name1

