Re: SFTP timestamp off by 5 hours
I have tried the demo and I do not see the problem. For me all files have correct timestamps with WinSCP default settings.
Before posting, please read how to report bug or request support effectively.
Bug reports without an attached log file are usually useless.
Can you confirm that you have this issue on your end as well?
No, I haven't tried that. I do not have Foxit WAC server.
Also, could you please make the server offset feature work for SFTP as well?
Can you confirm that you have this issue on your end as well?
so it looks like a compatibility issue with Foxit WAC server.
It rather looks like a bug in the Foxit WAC server :-)
Can you confirm that you have this issue on your end as well?
so it looks like a compatibility issue with Foxit WAC server.
It rather looks like a bug in the Foxit WAC server :-)
so it looks like a compatibility issue with Foxit WAC server.
I'm trying to synchronize a directory from my WinXP machine via SFTP-2 to a Win2003 server running Foxit WAC and for some reason, the timestamp for the files uploaded to the Win2k3 server is behind by exactly 5 hours. Both servers are in the same time zone and correctly set to Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5). I tried the 3 timezone options in WinSCP and none fix the issue and Server timezone offset does not work (only works for SCP)